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Residential School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


Welcome to Residential School

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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Will I have my own room?

All students have their own bedroom in either the upper residential building or the lower residential building.  In the purpose built upper building we have 26 ensuite single bedrooms, these rooms are for our older students, we also have an Independent Living flat where the final year students take turns living in to develop essential life skills, there are also staff sleeping in rooms.  In the refurbished lower residential building, we have a further 15 bedrooms, some single and some double but ALL students have their own room.  We also have four-bathroom areas in this building with private showers and toilets that are shared by the students. This building is where the younger students live.  This building also has staff sleeping in rooms and is where the night waking member of staff is based.


Can I have visitors?

Yes, you are welcome adult visitors to the school, although this will need to be agreed with your parents/carers.  Any siblings will need to be accompanied by an adult and visits need to be by arrangement so we can make sure you are in and we have a room available.


What time is bedtime?

Bedtime varies according to age and need; the bedtime routine is usually as follows


8.30pm quiet time in your room

9.00pm lights out


9.00pm quiet time in your room

9.30pm lights out


9.30pm quiet time in your room

10.00pm lights out


Whilst in your bedroom it is ok for you to, read and listen to music. It is important that the volume of your music is reasonable and that it does not interfere with you getting good night’s sleep and getting up in the morning.


What can I bring with me?

You can bring things to personalise your bedroom such as posters, pictures and photos of family and friends.  Bedding is provided but many students will bring their own duvet sets, ‘Aston Villa duvet covers’ are particularly welcome at school.  Students need to be responsible for any belongings that they bring into school.  All console games and films etc must be age appropriate each bedroom is lockable and each has a lockable secure storage area.  A full recommended kit list will be sent out prior to any students starting the school.


Who can I talk to if I am unhappy?

You can speak to anyone on the staff, but the best person might be your keyworker or tutor. He/She will help and support you whilst at Marland. This person is often the best person to help you if things are not going right. If you want to speak to someone not on the staff, we have contact numbers you can phone.


How do I make contact with home?

Phones are available for student use in both buildings, Parents and carers can call to speak to you at any time after school. Although the best time is after tea and before groups or after supper and before bed.  Students can bring mobile phones to school, but they must be used appropriately both in school and care time.


Do I get pocket money?

You can earn pocket money through our award system. There are some jobs available where you could earn some extra money. The goods news is you don’t need any money, all activities are paid for!
